Alicia Marie is a formidable fitness model who has appeared on the pages of Muscle & Fitness magazine, HERS, Oxygen, Flex magazine, Ironman, Musclemag, Planet Muscle, Fitness, SELF, O Magazine, Glamour, Natural Bodybuilding & Fitness . She is also a freelance fitness writer, her articles and workouts have appeared in numerous publications such as Men’s Health and Men’s Edge magazines. She is now part of my fav fitness magazine Oxygen, she has a column there titled "Ask Alicia". She does not hold back and gives great adives/tips!
Alicia Marie is the spokeperson for BSN, the supplement company which makes my favorite protein powder/shake: whipped vanilla and now cinnamon roll, yum...
Whoa! that is one smokin hot bod!!
muscle and fitness hers is my favorite magazine! i have a huge stack of them now...they have the best workouts! ugh..she's freakin gorgeous though
I love her!! I learned about her while watching MTV's Made (LOL). Her body is an inspiration for me.
Alicia Marie has made good image in fitness modeling. She has fabulous muscle and attractive beauty with good choice for wearing fitness clothing.
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