Green tea, which contains high concentrations of antioxidants such as catechin-polyphenols and many other compounds including caffeine can cause us to burn 3.5 % more calories per day. In other words, drinking 3 cups or more of green tea per day can increase your metabolism by 3.5% over a period of 24-hour. I can totally tell you that it is true, Green Tea has worked for me and still does. I drink up to 4 cups per day and I love Green Tea, the best tea ever which has so much healthier benefits than coffee or any other tea. It is my quick pick me up drink, whenever I drink it I feel so energized!
Don't forget
water! I drink up to 2.5 liters of water daily, I am working on drinking up to a gallon of water daily. Our bodies require water to function. If we are not getting enough of it, our bodies will retain the water it does have access to until more water becomes available again. By drinking more
H2O, our bodies will remain properly hydrated and will function optimally – allowing excess water to be eliminated – which will flatten out the tummy within a few short days.
does the water really work? some people say yay or nay. i tell myself i am going to drink more, and my healthy fridays push me to at least remember to try and drink 1.5 liters but...
the water really does work, at least for me. I tried it and it helped flatten my tummy beacuse I had this pouch on my stomach that I could not get rid of.
thank you for the tip!
i am interested in more tips to flatten my round tummy :)
you're welcome Amina! thanks for stopping by.
I know that I'm suppose to drink half my weigh in water, but I just can't find ways to carry that much water or to even remember to drink it!
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