I have to say that this line of hair care products does wonders for my hair, I love it! I am a big fan of the NTM Daily Deep Conditioner, which is my regular deep conditioner. It makes my hair so soft and manageable all day. I can't live without the NTM Silk Touch Leave-in cream conditioner. I use it as my daily moisturizer, it smells so good! I tried the Cream Lather shampoo and it does not strip my hair of its moisture. I tried all the items in this line except for the hair serum, it is on my wish list of items to try.
**Pic from Neutrogena's website**
I've heard a lot of good things about this line...i've been thinking about trying the daily deep conditioner...how long have you used this line?
I've used this line for about 6 months now. Whenever I DC w/ the daily deep conditioner my new growth becomes so manageable. It is a keeper for me. Give it a try and see how your hair respond to it.
i use the silk touch leave in but i have never tried anything else from the line and now the silk touch seems so hard to find.
justme- i know! can't find it anywhere else but RiteAid, even when i find there they only carry 2! bummer!
Thanks for checking out the blog. I will link yours as well.I think I will dry the Neurtogena products. I'm always looking for something to make my hair more maneageble.
I'm also happy to see an increase in resources for BW that exercise!
Thanks for the tips!
yez NTM iz da truth!!...especially the deep recovery mask...now that stuff rite there just meltz away tanglez like u wouldnt believe...
NTM is good. I loved it when I had them. Silk touch was the bomb.
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