Friday, September 26, 2008

Training Files: Maximum Intensity Training (MIT)

Scientists in Canada developed a ground-breaking training routine which makes building fitness and muscle tone in record time achievable. Short session of maximal intensity exercise (MIT) generates high level of fitness quickly. It is not about how long you do an exercise but how fast (the intensity) you do it. Their studies demonstrated the significance of high-intensity training for building aerobic capacity and endurance. Maximum Intensity Training (MIT) requires repeated short exercise session at 100 percent effort. MIT enhances muscle power, develops aerobic capacity, boosts metabolism and increases the ability to process fats, carbohydrates and proteins. The four component of this interval training are:

  1. Distance: or time of the exercise interval
  2. Repetition: the number of times the exercise is repeated
  3. Intensity: the speed of the exercise
  4. Rest: the time between exercise

MIT causes stunning results when you exercise for 30 seconds at 100 percent of maximum effort, 4 minutes rest between intervals. The long rest period is crucial because it permits complete recovery and guarantees that you do each repetitions at maximum intensity.
I put this training to the test by using an elliptical machine for 30 minutes with 8 sessions of sprinting at maximum effort for 30 seconds with rest period of 4 minutes. I have to say that I obtained amazing results. You do not have to stay for a long period of time on an equipment (elliptical machine or treadmill) just jogging or walking. 30 minutes is enough but you have to crank it up for 30 seconds with 4 minutes or so for recovery. Loves it!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Moisturizing Lip Balm

My lips are dry so I constantly I have to apply lip balm, I ran out of my regular chapstick and to tell you the truth, I wanted to try something new. I come across the Nivea A Kiss of Flavor Passion Fruit Tinted Lip Care: it hydrates pretty well, probably due to the fact that it contains almond oil and vitamin E. It gives me this nice purple tint, Loves it!

It is $2.99 @ Walgreens.

I've Been Experimenting with my Hair & Eureka!

Two weeks ago, my hair felt extra dry and was frizzy no matter what I did to rectify the situation. Then I decided to deep condition on dry hair overnight with Aussie Moist mix with castor oil, it helped. I decided to do it again but for a few hours, I noticed a change in my hair: it was able to retain moisture. I did it again but I rinsed the conditioner out with cold Aloe Vera juice. I tell you my hair was loving this extra treatment, it felt great! I tried something else too: I used some Aussie Moist conditioner with rosewater/water and castor oil that I put in a spray bottle and used it as a leave-in conditioner/moisturizer. This concoction is like a magic potion to my hair, it moisturizes my hair so well.

Thus, I decided that from September till December I will:

  • deep condition on dry hair 2 to 3 times per week (overnight, for a few hours with or without heat) using Aussie Moist conditioner

  • rinse out the conditioner with cold Aloe Vera juice

  • use my magic concoction as a moisturizer/leave-in conditioner

  • leave my hair alone

I noticed that my hair was loonger, I was able to retain length, I will post pics of my hair (comparison shots) soon.

What I have in my Food Pantry

I made a very short video to show what type of food I have in my pantry: lots of protein powder (BSN Lean Dessert) and protein bar (Clif Builder's 20 g protein bar), slow cooked oatmeal which is better than instant oatmeal the reason being is that instant oatmeal is more processed (will make a another post about their differences). Lots of organic garbanzo and white kidney beans, salmon, flax oil, extra virgin cold pressed coconut oil and green tea. Just wanted to share...

Friday, September 5, 2008

I Heart your Blog!

My blog buddy Sunshyne over at Hairlicious Inc left me a comment on my blog to nominate me for the "I love Your Blog" award! Thanks so much Sunshyne! I am really happy to be nominated. Thanks so much to all of my blog buddies for their love and interest in my blog!

The Rules:

  • The nominated is allowed to put this picture on their blogs.

  • Link to the person who hearted you.

  • Nominate at least 7 other people and link to them.

  • Leave a message on those people's blog to make them aware that they're nominated.

I nominate:

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Fitness Upadte + New Fitness Plan

Back in November 2006 I decided to get really serious about dropping my excess weight, I was not at all happy with the way I looked. I was able to drop some weight while I completely fell head over heels for fitness, I was also introduced to clean eating. I must say that combining fitness exercises and clean eating really helped me dropped more weight and maintain my current weight. ( I am still dropping more weight)

Now I am on a quest to become as fit as possible, build more muscle. I really want to see what my body can achieve by continuing to wourkout/train. I completely changed the way I eat, I now eat clean: lots of veggies, fruits, lean protein, whole grains and complex carbohydrates. Of course I indulge myself from time to time but in moderation. (I have a sweet tooth, chocolate is my fav)

I decided to follow the example of Keyalus over at Determined To Be Fit and came up with a fitness plan that I will use from September to December, I will tweak it every 6 weeks. Here it goes...
Type: Resistance Training
Duration: 60 min
Description: Powersculpt class @ the gym

Type: Flexibility
Duration: 60 min
Description: Mat Pilates class @ the gym

Type: Cardio
Duration: 60 min
Description: Spin class @ the gym

Type: Cardio
Duration: 30 min
Description: Run followed by abs workout

Type: Cardio
Duration: 30 min
Description: Run followed by abs workout

Type: Resistance Training
Duration: 60 min
Description: Powerflex class @ the gym

Type: Resistance Training/Cardio/Flexibility
Duration: 60 min
Description: Total Body class @ the gym

Type: Circuit Training
Duration: 30 min
Description: my compilation of weight training exercises

Type: Circuit Training
Duration: 30 min
Description: my compilation of weight training exercises

Active Rest Day

**Total Weekly Workout/Training time: 420 min**